You should review target documents and add issues including defects, erros, or good points.
Lightning Review provides storing review issues and managing them with status.
Here is described how to add issues and enter issue contents.
Review Process
Process of executing reviews with Lightning Review is as follows:
- Switching to Side Bar
Switching the view of Lightning Review to the Side Bar to execute a review more smoothly.
- Adding Issue from Outline Tree
Adding an issue from the Outline Tree to specify its location in the target document. - Adding Issue Directly from Word / Excel / PowerPoint
Adding an issue directly from the screen of the target documents, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. - Setting Detailed Information in Properties
Setting detailed information such as importance and member who revised in Properties. - Storing Review File
Storing contents of added issues to a review file.
Switching to Side Bar
You can utilize the Side Bar to review and revise your documents more smoothly with Lightning Review without hiding them.
You should click on the Issue View tool bar to switch screen to the Side Bar, which... show the screen of Lightning Review to ...
The side bar is displayed at the left end of the Lightning Review screen and can be collapsed by clicking the button.
Adding Issue from Outline Tree
You are also able to add issues from the Outline Tree. The issue’s location in the document will be automatically set with specifying the outline.
- Click icon on the outline where you are going to add an issue to show [Quick Review] window.
- Click the button with icon in [Quick Review] window.
- Drag around the area for the issue to capture the image.
- On the captured image, drag the issue area to add a pink frame to specify the issue location.
- When you have revised multiple locations for an issue, click icon to add multiple images.
- Enter issue contents in the textbox below the captured image.
*Enter Reason of Issue for registering issue reasons. - Click [Add] button to add the issue.
Adding Issue Directly from Word / Excel / PowerPoint
You can add issues directly with Lightning Review Add-in for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. The issuse location is automatically entered when the outline is automatically analyzed.
Power Point
- Open the target document and click [Add Issue] button on [Lightning Review] tab to show [Quick Review] window of Lightning Review. The document is automatically added to Outline Tree. The result is depending on the running status of Lightning Review as follows:
- Lightning Review is NOT running:
A new review file is created and the target document is automatically added to Outline Tree. - Lightning Review is running and the target document DOES NOT EXIST on Outline Tree:
A new review file is created and the target document is automatically added to Outline Tree. - Lightning Review is running and the target document EXISTS on Outline Tree:
You will select to add the document to the opened review file or to create a new review file. - For using [Quick Review] window, see Adding Issue from Outline Tree.
Setting Detailed Information in Properties
Detailed information such as importance and reviser for the added issue should be entered in Properties.
- Select [Tile View] or [Grid View] from [View] menu to show the issue list.
- Select the target issue from the list.
- Enter the detail fields of the issue on [Properties] pane.
At least you should enter the following fields:Field Usage Won’t Fix Issue requires the document to be revised or not Status The status of processing issue Description Describe the issue contents. Revised by The member who should revise the document from the issue Confirmed by The member who should confirm the revised document
The following functions will help you enter detailed inforomation in Properties:
- Changing the display order in Properties
You will be able to confirm and enter the contents more smoothly to set frequently used fields to be displayed on the upper area.
- Click [Tool] menu - [Change Order of Properties] to show [Change Order of Properties] dialog box.
- Select field(s) from the field list in [Change Order of Properties] dialog box and click ? button to change the display order. The order is saved for each user.
- Updating Properties all at once
You can set a same value for multiple issues in batch.
- Select multiple issues in the Issue View with pressing “Ctrl” key.
- Update field values in Properties, then values of Properties for selected issues are updated.
Saving Review File
Select [File] menu – [Save] to save data for added issues.
* If there is a large amount of issues and/or captured images, it may take a long time to save them.
* You cannot close Lightning Review until saving is completed.